Every year again: After Christmas shopping in Sophienhof and in Holstenstraße, a mulled wine is drunk at the Kiel Christmas market on Holstenplatz.
But now it was high time to visit the Kiel Christmas market again. With the exception of the Christmas market on Asmus-Bremer-Platz, all Kiel Christmas markets will close on December 23, 2019. And since a few Christmas presents were still missing, they were bought the day before Christmas in the Sophienhof shopping center and in Holstenstraße. Again on December 23rd. As if Christmas is coming as a complete surprise again. But apparently many other people from Kiel felt the same way as me. Because Holstenstraße and Sophienhof were well attended. The shops were full and there were long queues at the cash registers.
Sohienhof Kiel illuminated for Christmas
As every year during the pre-Christmas period, the Sophienhof was of course illuminated with fairy lights. Of course, the Citti-Park Kiel presented itself in a similarly colorful way during the Christmas season.
- Sophienhof Kiel Christmas time
- Sophienhof Kiel Christmas time
Feuerzangenbowle at the Kiel Christmas Market
As is well known, there is not just one, but several Christmas markets in Kiel. For everyone who has done their Christmas shopping in Sophienhof, the Christmas market on Holstenplatz is of course a good choice. Here you only have to use the Holstentörn exit, take the escalator down (which is now working again) and you are right on the Christmas market. My personal favorites at the Christmas market on Holstenplatz are the Tallinn stand and the stand with the Feuerzangenbowle.
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