Kiel Christmas markets

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Kiel Christmas markets

Visit to the Kiel Christmas markets 2023

Visiting the Kiel Christmas markets 2023: It's finally that time again, the Christmas markets in Kiel have been open again since November 27th! The four Christmas markets in Kiel on Holstenplatz, Rathausplatz, Asmus-Bremer-Platz and Bernhard-Minetti-Platz [...]

Gnome Flight Christmas Cog Kiel Christmas Village 2023

Christmas elf Kilian flies 3 times a day with his Christmas cog over the Christmas market Kiel 2023 in the Kiel Christmas village on the town hall square. From November 27, 2023 to December [...]

Christmas Market Kiel 2023

Christmas market Kiel 2023: The Christmas markets in Kiel will open in the state capital from Monday, November 27, 2023. Then there will be mulled wine, Glögg, Feuerzangenbowle, Christmas decorations and much more at [...]

Christmas market Kiel 2022 opened on Monday

Christmas market Kiel 2022 opened on Monday (November 21, 2022): An overview of the four Christmas markets in the city center. Every year, the Kiel Christmas markets attract many visitors to the city center [...]

Only 10 days left: The Christmas markets in Kiel will open on November 21st, 2022

Only 10 days left: On November 21, 2022, the Kiel Christmas markets will open in the city center. And on the Advent weekends, numerous Christmas markets take place in the area around Kiel. It won't [...]

Gnome Flight Christmas Cog Kiel Christmas Village 2022

Christmas elf Kilian flies 3 times a day with his Christmas cog over the Christmas market Kiel 2022 in the Kiel Christmas village on the town hall square. From November 21, 2022 to December [...]

Christmas Market Kiel 2022

Christmas market Kiel 2022: The Christmas markets in Kiel will open in the state capital from Monday, November 21, 2022. Then there will be mulled wine, Glögg, Feuerzangenbowle, Christmas decorations and much more at [...]

Christmas elf Kilian flies 3 times a day over the Christmas market in Kiel

Christmas elf Kilian flies 3 times a day with his Christmas cog over the Kiel Christmas market 2021 in the Kiel Christmas village on the town hall square. Since November 22, 2021, Christmas elf [...]

Christmas market Kiel 2021 opened on Monday

The Christmas market in Kiel 2021 opened on Monday, November 22nd. The four Christmas markets at Rathausplatz, Holstenplatz, Asmus-Bremer-Platz and Bernhard-Minetti-Platz in downtown Kiel sweeten the Advent season in the state capital. Every year, [...]

Which corona rules apply to the Kiel Christmas market 2021?

The Kiel Christmas market opens on November 22nd. But which Corona rules apply to the Christmas market in Kiel 2021? Actually, no access restrictions were planned for the Kiel Christmas markets this year. Just [...]

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