MediaMarkt instead of Saturn: electronics market MediaMarkt will soon be on the 2nd floor of Sophienhof Kiel, where Medimax used to be.

For a long time it seemed as if the Saturn electronics store would move from the Nordlicht shopping center in the upper Holstenstrasse to the Sophienhof. The location in Sophienhof was also already certain: Saturn was to move into the 2nd floor, where the electronics store Medimax (and before that the electronics chain Schaulandt) was a tenant in the shopping center until 2020. Now, however, a few months before the planned opening, a change became known: Saturn will not come to the Sophienhof after all. Instead, MediaMarkt will soon be moving to the Sophienhof. Since Saturn and MediaMarkt both belong to one group, the international retail group Ceconomy AG based in Düsseldorf, and both electronics markets offer almost identical goods, not much will change for customers. In the meantime, the conversion work for the new tenant MediaMarkt in Sophienhof Kiel is being carried out in the former Medimax sales area. And after a long time without a large electronics store in the Sophienhof shopping center, MediaMarkt in the Sophienhof is expected to open in early August 2023. Most of the staff will be those who have previously worked at Saturn in the Nordlicht shopping mall.

Saturn in the Nordlicht Kiel will close at the end of July 2023

The Saturn range in Nordlicht will also be available in Sophienhof in the future, but then under the MediaMarkt brand. According to Media-Saturn-Holding, the decision to open a MediaMarkt was based on various studies and analyses. This change of strategy also has no effect whatsoever on the closure of Saturn in the Nordlicht on Holstenstrasse at the end of July. This also means that there will no longer be a Saturn location in the Kiel region. The number of locations in Schleswig-Holstein will drop from four to three. The nearest Saturn electronics stores are in Flensburg, Lübeck and Norderstedt. And of course there are several locations in Hamburg.

Sophienhof Kiel Conversion for MediaMarkt

Sophienhof Kiel Conversion for MediaMarkt

Sophienhof Kiel Shopping Center Sophienblatt

Sophienhof Kiel Shopping Center Sophienblatt

Hallo, ich bin Christian und lebe in Kiel.