The onset of winter in Kiel at the end of November 2023 brings local public transport to a standstill after around 15 centimeters of fresh snow on the night of November 28th. to November 29th, 2023.

Every year there comes a time when the temperatures drop and instead of rainy weather there is snow. After the previous years there had been mild winters and only very rare snow, many were probably a little surprised by the onset of winter in Kiel at the end of November. During the night from Monday to Tuesday there was around 15 centimeters of fresh snow in Kiel and the surrounding area. In addition, there were slippery streets that in many places had not yet been cleared during the night. Therefore, the KVG temporarily stopped regular bus service at around 2 a.m. and only resumed it in the morning hours. This affected, among other things, the night buses, which normally run through Kiel every hour every night.

Esmarchstrasse Kiel snow in winter

Esmarchstrasse Kiel snow in winter

Esmarchstrasse cars parked on the side of the road covered in snow

Esmarchstrasse cars parked on the side of the road covered in snow

The onset of winter also had consequences for drivers. First, of course, the vehicles had to be cleared of a centimeter-thick layer of snow. And one or two vehicle owners were probably reminded at exactly that moment that the vehicle still had summer tires. Of course, this is anything but ideal in this weather situation. Summer tires offer poorer grip and longer braking distances in ice and snow in winter, which can significantly increase the risk of accidents.

This way to the picture gallery of the onset of winter in Kiel at the end of November 2023.

Video: Onset of winter in Kiel at Blücherplatz

Hallo, ich bin Christian und lebe in Kiel.