Stadtbahn Kiel route walk Ravensberg 08.06.2023

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Stadtbahn Kiel route walk in Ravensberg on June 6th, 2023 from 5.30 p.m. Information about the design of the street space of the Stadtbahn from Holtenauer Straße in Beselerallee and Olshausenstraße.

On June 8th, 2023 (Thursday) there will be another route walk as part of the urban railway planning. Here everyone in Kiel can find out about the future design of the street space for the Stadtbahn, ask questions and get into conversation and discuss with the planners of the city of Kiel and the Ramboll planning office.

On Thursday, the route walk will take place in Beserlerallee and Olshausenstrasse and will lead from Holtenauer Strasse at the corner of Beselerallee to Westring / CAU. Participation is free, registration is not required.

The meeting point is at 5.30 p.m. on Holtenauer Straße 114a at the corner of Beselerallee in front of the Holsten pharmacy in 24103 Kiel.

The Stadtbahn is coming: route walks in June 2023, each from 5.30 p.m.:

  • 05.06.2023 Mettenhof (from Skaninaviendamm to the Jutlandring)
  • 06.06.2023 Holtenauer Straße (from Dreiecksplatz to Waitzstraße)
  • 08.06.2023 Ravensberg (from Holtenauer Straße corner Beselerallee into Olshausenstraße to Westring)

The city of Kiel and the Ramboll office are looking forward to exciting discussions and are available to answer questions from the participants.

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Hallo, ich bin Christian und lebe in Kiel.


8. June 2023
17:30 - 19:00
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Holtenauer Straße / Ecke Beselerallee
Holtenauer Straße / Ecke Beselerallee
Kiel, 24105 Deutschland
+ Google Map
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