Until the end of the Kiel Week 2023: Free travel on both Holtenau high bridges. On the occasion of the Kiel Week, the bridge work was interrupted. However, there are still limitations.

Many motorists were probably a little surprised on Wednesday when they crossed the Holtenauer Hochbrücke. Because around noon it was already possible to drive from Kiel to the north in the direction of Altenholz and Schilksee via the Olympic Bridge, which had been closed to traffic for months. Two lanes northbound from Kiel are open to traffic. And something has also happened on the Prinz-Heinrich-Bridge, traveling in the direction of travel from the north towards Kiel. Since Wednesday and also until the end of the Kieler Woche, two lanes of traffic in the direction of Kiel have been released again.

Maximum speed 50 kilometers per hour on both bridges

Even if two-lane traffic is now possible again for a short time until Sunday, June 25th, a speed limit still applies. 50 kilometers per hour must not be exceeded, even if traffic will now run much more smoothly. The Olympic Bridge, which is in need of renovation, also has a small special feature. Northbound vehicles pass under a large scaffolding needed for the bridge work. Here in particular, it is important to cross the Holtenauer Hochbrücke quickly.

Free travel for vehicles up to 12 tons, weight flasher still in operation

Both bridges are approved for vehicles weighing up to 12 tons during Kiel Week. Heavier vehicles must continue to use the detour via the Levensau High Bridge. The weight flashers also remain on both bridges. However, the speed camera trailers were positioned slightly differently. All lanes over the bridges are recorded with the speed ans weight camera.

Driving from the north in the direction of Kiel: Depending on the destination, get in your lane in good time

In the past few months, all traffic has been routed in one lane in each direction over the Prinz-Heinrich-Bridge with a dividing line in the middle. This was not removed for the period up to the end of the Kiel Week, as this would have meant two complete closures for dismantling and reconstruction. It is now the right lane in the Wik, right plus left lane in the direction of B 503 / B 76, road users must therefore get into the right lane early.

B 503 Prince Heinrich Bridge in the direction of Kiel

B 503 Prince Heinrich Bridge in the direction of Kiel

Driveway Kiel-Wik and Kiel-Holtenau further closed

On the other hand, there are no changes on the ascent from the Wik over the Olympic Bridge heading north and on the ascent in Holtenau over the Prinz-Heinrich-Bridge heading south. Both driveways will remain closed to traffic, with the exception of the regular KVG buses and Autokraft. Only these can pass the barriers in Holtenau and in the Wik. For residents from Holtenau, for example, the closure still means a detour via Altenholz-Stift to get from Holtenau to Kiel.

The Olympic Bridge will be closed again from Monday, June 26, 2013

The Kiel Week 2023 ends on Sunday with the traditional Kiel Week final fireworks display “Star Magic over Kiel”. The following day, the Olympic Bridge will be closed to traffic again and all traffic across the canal will once again be routed in one lane in each direction over the Prince Heinrich Bridge.

Holtenauer Hochbrücke Prinz-Heinrich-Bridge right lane towards Kiel-Wik

Holtenauer Hochbrücke Prinz-Heinrich-Bridge right lane towards Kiel-Wik

B 503 two lanes again towards Kiel

B 503 two lanes again towards Kiel

Hallo, ich bin Christian und lebe in Kiel.