Kieler Lichtermeer 2021 am 06. und 07. November – einzigartige Lichtshow in der Kieler Innenstadt im Rahmen der Skandinavien Tage in der Landeshauptstadt Kiel.
The Kiel Sea of Lights took place for the first time in the state capital this weekend. The Kiel Sea of Lights 2021 was organized by the Kiel Week office. So there was a lot going on in Kiel this weekend. Because in addition to the Kiel Sea of Lights, there were also the Scandinavian Days 2021 and on Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. an open Sunday for shopping.
Elaborate laser and light show in Kiel
On Saturday and Sunday, at 6:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., the Kieler Lichermeer illuminated the city center with lasers, light effects and projections. There was also a drone show, but unfortunately not on Sunday at 8 p.m. Here the drone show was canceled due to the weather. But even without drones in the Kiel evening sky, the Kiel Festival of Lights was a great event.
Among other things, buildings around the Kleiner Kiel were spectacularly illuminated with light effects. The town hall, opera house, Förde Sparkasse, Ministry of Justice, HSH Nordbank, Holstenfleet, ABK-house and the Deutsche Bank on Kiel’s town hall square were staged with various lighting creations. The boat harbor, the Nikolai Church and the main building of the Kieler Nachrichten on Asmus-Bremer-Platz were also included in the light show.
Photos Kieler Lichtermeer 2021
By the way, there are even more photos in the picture gallery Kieler Lichtermeer 2021.
- Förde Sparkasse Kiel Sea of Lights 2021
- Kieler Lichtermeer Kiel City Hall 07.11.2021
- Kleiner Kiel Light Effects Kieler Lichtermeer 2021
- Light Show Kleiner Kiel Kieler Lichtermeer 2021
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